Fort Worth West:
An extremely solid Texas-bred, California-based smooth-rocking country group. All four members write, play, and sing, and display the confidence of a seasoned group that has stared down more than one hostile or indifferent barroom crowd. It’s cliché to say it, but, in today’s country-music system, groups like this don’t have the time or opportunity to develop this kind of musical chemistry. (by Chet Flippo in the Billboard “Weather Bureau” p.26 issue March 13, 1999)
Reviewers are describing FWW as “not really modern country, nor retro-country… but fresh, inventive, and very listenable—even a little bit like the Eagles. Obviously these musicians have more than paid their dues”. The music is original, radio friendly, and reveals musical influences spanning Cajun, Country, and Rock. The groups’ soaring harmonies and musical expertise are the highlights of their debut CD.
“1999 Band of the Year” Award from the European Country Music Association